
Command line tool for Apache log parsing.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A fast command line tool for parsing Apache log files.

Required imports:

go get github.com/lmorg/apachelogs    # my apache log parsing package
go get github.com/ActiveState/tail    # tail -f like library

firesward -h

Usage: firesword -n [-r int] [-t int]     -f str | *
                 [--fmt str] [--grep str] --stdin | -f str | *
                 -h | -hf | -hg | -v

Global preferences:
  --no-errors    Surpress error messages, don't fail on unless fatal

Command line interface:
  --fmt str      Output format (default: "{ip} {uri} {status} {stitle}")
                     (-hf for field names and how to declare field lengths)
  --grep str     Filter results (-hg for patterns)
  --trim-slash   Trims trailing slash from URI (useful for "sort | uniq -c")

Input streams:
  --stdin        Read from STDIN
  -f str         Read from text stream, equivalent to tail -f (file name as string)
  *              Read from text / gzip file (multiple files space delimited)

  -h | -?        Prints this usage guide
  -hf            Prints format field names
  -hg            Prints grep pattern guide
  -v             Prints version number

firesward -hf

Field names:
  date           Date of request
  datetime       Date and time of request
  epoch / unix   EPOCH (UNIX) timestamp (seconds)
  file           File name of log (not available to --grep)
  ip             IP address
  method         HTTP method (eg GET, POST, HEAD, etc)
  proc           Processing time
  proto          Protocol (eg HTTP, HTTPS)
  qs             Query string
  ref            Referrer
  sdesc          HTTP status description (not available to --grep)
  size           HTTP response body size
  status         HTTP status (--grep as string)
  stitle         HTTP status title (not available to --grep)
  time           Time of request
  ua             User agent
  uid            User ID (if applicable)
  uri            URI

--fmt field lengths are comma-separated printf-style values. eg
  "{ref,-30}" == Referrer,  30 characters padding, left justified
  "{file,40}" == File name, 40 characters padding, right justified

firesward -hg

The following is the grep format (braces for illustration purposes only):
--grep '(field name)(operator)(comparison);(field name)(operator)(comparison);'
eg: firesword --grep 'time>12:00'
    firesword --grep 'status=500;time<14:35'
    firesword --grep 'uri{}{foo}{bar}'

  <   less than                             (date and numeric fields only)
  >   greater than                          (date and numeric fields only)
  ==  equals (= is also valid)              (all fields)
  !=  does not equal (<> is also valid)     (all fields)
  =+  contains                              (string fields only)
  !+  does not contain                      (string fields only)
  =~  regex matches                         (string fields only)
  !~  regex does not match                  (string fields only)
  ~<  round field down to the nearest n     (numeric fields only)
  ~>  round field up to the nearest n       (numeric fields only)
  {}  regex substitution: {search}{replace} (string fields only)
  /   divide                                (numeric fields only)
  *   multiply                              (numeric fields only)

Date / Time Formats:
  date: dd-mm-yyyy
  time: hh:mm
  Date and time fields are entered as strings but processed as numeric fields.

String Formats:
  Regex operators are case insensitive, all other operators are case sensitive.