Compilers - 2016/2017

University of Coimbra - Department of Informatics Engineering

Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering

Luís Coimbra -
Luís Ramos -

A project to implement a Compiler of a sublanguage of Java divided into 4 milestones.

Milestone 1 - Lexical Analysis

Use of Lex tool to get the lexical tokens and report any lexical errors.

Milestone 2 - Syntactic Analysis

Passing lexical token from Lex to YACC.
Use of YACC to build the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and report any syntactic errors.

Milestone 3 - Semantic Analysis

Creation of Symbol Tables.
Annotation of the AST.
Report any semantic errors.

Milestone 4 - Intermediate Code Generation

Generating LLVM (v3.8) Intermediate Code.