
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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pyethapp is the python based client implementing the Ethereum cryptoeconomic state machine.

Ethereum as a platform is focussed on enabling people to build new ideas using blockchain technology.

The python implementation aims to provide an easily hackable and extendable codebase.

pyethapp leverages two ethereum core components to implement the client:

  • pyethereum - the core library, featuring the blockchain, the ethereum virtual machine, mining
  • pydevp2p - the p2p networking library, featuring node discovery for and transport of multiple services over multiplexed and encrypted connections

Installation and invocation

Install from source:

$ git clone https://github.com/ethereum/pyethapp
$ cd pyethapp
$ python setup.py install

Install the latest realease from PyPI:

$ pip install pyethapp

Show available commands and options:

$ pyethapp

Connect to the default network (see below for more information on networks):

$ pyethapp run

There is also Dockerfile in the repo.

Available Networks

  • Frontier
  • Morden

Currently there are two official networks available. The "Main Network" is called Frontier and this is what the client will connect to if you start it without any additional options.

Additionally there is the official test network Morden which can be used to test new code or otherwise experiment without having to risk real money. Use the --profile command line option to select the test network:

$ pyethapp --profile morden run


If you've previously connected to the main network you will also need to specify a new data directory by using the --data-dir option.


You can interact with the client using the JSONRPC api or directly on the console.


  • Working PoC9 prototype
  • interoperable with the go and cpp clients
  • jsonrpc (mostly)