Getting Started

  1. Figure out your ip address ifconfig | grep 192 ( in my case).

  2. Run the collabora code docker container as follows:

docker run -t -d -p 9980:9980 -e "domain=192\\.168\\.0\\.242:8080" -e "username=admin" -e "password=secret" --restart always -e "extra_params=--o:ssl.enable=false" --cap-add MKNOD collabora/code

  1. Edit src/main/resources/static.index.html and ensure the WOPISrc is correct for your configuration:

<form id="office_form" name="office_form" target="office_frame" action="http://localhost:9980/loleaflet/eec532f/loleaflet.html?WOPISrc=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.0.242%3A8080%2Fwopi%2Ffiles%2Fabcdef0123456789" method="post">

  1. Run this application

  2. In a browser request http://localhost:9980/index.html

And you should see this

I am not convinced the editor is fully functional but that is probably because the endpoints are stubbed out and partially implemented.