
A retrieval augmented generation agent using llama3 LLM and qdrant vector database

Primary LanguageRust


A RAG (retrieval augmented genertion) agent using llama3 LLM via the ollama api service with a qdrant vector database that updates vectors based on reading markdown files in chunks


This service uses ollama3 (and the all-minilm embedding model), as well as qdrant vectordb


Download and launch ollama3 services https://ollama.com/

Ensure access to the all-minilm model

ollama pull all-minilm


Create a directorty called qdrant-data

Download and install qdrant (simple quick start is to use podman)

podman run -p 6333:6333 -p 6334:6334 -e QDRANT_SERVICE_GRPC_PORT="6334"  -v $(pwd)/qdrant-data:/qdrant/storage:z     qdrant/qdrant


Clone this repo

cd rust-ragllm-qdrant

make build

Create your relevant markdown documents

Some hints

  • create folders under the kbDocsPath folder
  • each folder could represent a specific category (or for example just be generic and include a variety of markdown files)
  • ensure the folder name matches the category name (in the config.json)
  • have descriptive headings (these are used to generate the embeddings)
  • keep the contents size small and ensure the contents describes what you have stated in the heading
  • use multiple small files, each with specific headings

Update the config.json file (in this repo)

Launch the embedding service

./target/release/rust-ragllm-qdrant --config config.json --loglevel info 

Launch normal prompt workflow (starts a service on a port indicated in the "serverPort" field of the config)

./target/release/rust-ragllm-qdrant --config config.json --loglevel info --skip-embedding 

Check if its all working (this assumes you have executed the embedding workflow with category=oc-mirror and a directory under kb-docs/oc-mirror and serverPort=7000)

curl -d'{"category":"oc-mirror", "query": "what is enclave support"}' -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:7000/query

A TUI (terminal user interface) front end is available at https://github.com/lmzuccarelli/rust-ragllm-tui