
OCI runtime that will create and run "ops nanovm unikernels" in a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster. It runs together with crun, in that all requests that are not supported are forwarded to crun

Primary LanguageRust


A OCI runtime thats used to execute ops nanovm unikerenels in a Kuberenetes/OpenShift cluster


So why unikernels

  • Unikernels are specialized, single-address-space machine images constructed by using library operating systems.
  • They are lightweight, secure, and fast to boot.
  • They offer improved isolation

OCI Runtime

This project is an OCI runtime that is used together with crun (used as OCI runtime in CRI-O and Podman). Calls are made to this runtime by virtue of a RuntimeClass in Kubernetes/OpenShift.

A recommended approach would be to use dedicated node/s for running unikernels. This is to ensure that the unikernels are not competing with other workloads on the same node. This approach also lends itself to edge environments where disk space and memory are limited.

A detailed setup and howto can be found here


Typical workflow

  • Install the ops nanovm tooling
  • Create your application (as long as you can create an ELF binary)
  • Create a unikernel using the ops nanovm tooling
  • Create a OCI image using the unikernel - see the example in the examples directory
  • Push your image to a registry
  • Setup and configure your Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster (installing qemu-kvm and qemu-system-{ARCH})
  • Create a RuntimeClass (see the examples directory)
  • Create a pod using the RuntimeClass
  • Deploy to your cluster

Update Podman

Update the config and ucrun runtime in Podman



Ensure you have installed the latest Rust toolchain

Clone this repo

cd rust-ucrun
make build 


Launch a redis unikernel with Podman

podman run --rm --runtime ucrun  -e "BASE_DIR=/home/lzuccarelli/Projects/redis-unikernel"


Ensure grcov and llvm tools-preview are installed

cargo install grcov 

rustup component add llvm-tools-preview

execute the tests

# add the -- --nocapture or --show-ouput flags to see println! statements
$ CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 RUSTFLAGS='-Cinstrument-coverage' LLVM_PROFILE_FILE='cargo-test-%p-%m.profraw' cargo test

# for individual tests
$ CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 RUSTFLAGS='-Cinstrument-coverage' LLVM_PROFILE_FILE='cargo-test-%p-%m.profraw' cargo test create_diff_tar_pass -- --show-output

check the code coverage

$ grcov . --binary-path ./target/debug/deps/ -s . -t html --branch --ignore-not-existing --ignore '../*' --ignore "/*" --ignore "src/main.rs" -o target/coverage/html

Coverage Overview


Error: OCI runtime error: ucrun: unknown version specified

execute the follwoing

podman info 

Check that the version of crun matches the version of crun installed

If not then update the version of crun

Navigate to https://github.com/containers/crun/releases

Download and copy the binary to /usr/bin/