
Workshop - Introduction to Bayesian statistical modelling

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Introduction to Bayesian statistical modelling: A course with R, Stan, and brms

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The aim of this 2-day short course is to introduce you to Bayesian statistical modelling. The concepts and tools that will be introduced throughout the course will be illustrated by concrete data analysis cases. This course is built around the R language and the use of the brms package, an interface to the Stan probabilistic language. It is therefore essential to have some basic knowledge of the R language.


Course Calendar
Course n°01: Introduction to Bayesian inference, Beta-Binomial model November 30, 14h-16h
Course n°02: Introduction to brms, linear regression November 30, 16h-18h
Course n°03: Markov Chain Monte Carlo, generalised linear model December 1, 9h-11h
Course n°04: Multilevel models, cognitive models December 1, 11h-13h


Ladislas Nalborczyk, firstname.lastname@gmail.com