Open source tools for M/EEG multivariate pattern analyses (aka decoding) and state-space analyses, based on MNE-Python.
Install directly from Github with:
python3 -m pip install git+
Or clone this repository and install locally with:
git clone
cd meeg_decoding
python3 -m pip install .
This package requires python 3.9 or higher.
Functions from this package assume that you have some M/EEG data that is properly filtered, resampled, and epoched using MNE-Python (i.e., it does not cover preprocessing). See the notebooks in ./examples/
for more details and examples.
# importing mne and sub-packages from meeg_decoding
import mne
from meeg.decoding import time_decode
from meeg.decoding import prep_data_for_decoding
# for decoding, we'll keep only two categories and concatenate those
decoding_epochs = mne.concatenate_epochs(
epochs_list=[some_epochs, some_other_epochs],
add_offset=True, on_mismatch="raise", verbose=None
# preparing MNE epochs and labels for decoding
X, y = prep_data_for_decoding(
pca=True, n_components=60,
moving_average=True, kernel_size=5,
trials_averaging=False, ntrials=2, shuffling_or_not=True
# decoding time!
scores, time_decod = time_decode(meg_data=X, labels=y)
from meeg.decoding import cross_time_cond_gen
# decoding time!
time_gen_scores, decision_values, y_predicted_probs = cross_time_cond_gen(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test)
For decoding through time.
import glob
from meeg.stats import bf_testing_time_decod
# listing all relevant npy files (i.e., individual-level decoding accuracies through time)
npy_files = glob.glob("some_directory/"+"*.npy")
# initialising an empty list to store the arrays
scores_arr = []
for i in npy_files:
decoding_results_temp = np.load(i)
scores_arr.append(np.mean(decoding_results_temp, axis=0))
# converting back to numpy array
scores = np.vstack(scores_arr)
# sanity check (should be of shape n_participants x n_time_steps)
print("shape of aggregated scores:", scores.shape)
# computing the BFs for each time step
bfs = bf_testing_time_decod(scores=scores, ncores=4)
Or for cross-temporal and/or cross-condition decoding generalisation.
from meeg.stats import bf_testing_gat
# sanity check
print("Participants:", participants)
# defining the file name
fname = npy_folder + contrast + ".npy"
# initialising an empty list
scores_arr = []
for ppt in participants:
decoding_results_temp = np.load(ppt + fname)
# if the results contain more than 2 dimensions (e.g., multiple CV folds), computing the average decoding accuracy
if len(decoding_results_temp.shape)>2:
decoding_results_temp = np.mean(decoding_results_temp, axis=0)
# converting back to numpy array
scores = np.stack(scores_arr)
# computing the BFs for each cell of the GAT matrices
bfs = bf_testing_gat(scores=scores, ncores=4)
from meeg.plots import plotting_decoding_scores
# plotting the decoding accuracy over time
plot_title="Sensor space decoding"
from meeg.plots import bf_testing_time_decod
# plotting the BFs for each time step
bf_testing_time_decod(scores, bf, plot_title="Sensor space decoding")
from meeg.plots import plotting_gat
# plotting the accuracy of across-time generalisation
plot_title="Temporal generalisation matrix"
from meeg.plots import bf_testing_gat
# plotting the BFs for each cell of the GAT matrix
bf_testing_time_decod(scores, bf, plot_title="Sensor space decoding")
from meeg.latent import compare_pca_through_time
# computing average neural trajectories (and across-trial SD) in a common PCA space
epochs1_pca, epochs1_pca_std, epochs2_pca, epochs2_pca_std = compare_pca_through_time(epochs1, epochs2, n_components=10)
from meeg.latent import stats_trajectories
# computing mean, std, speed, and curvature of latent trajectory
pca_mean, pca_std, speed, curvature = stats_trajectories(epochs, n_components=10)
from meeg.latent import dsa
# computing dynamical similarity between neural trajectories
# see
dsa(epochs1, epochs2, n_delays=10, pca_components=10, verbose=False)