
This repo packages IPFS the lncm way

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status gh_last_release_svg Docker Image Size Docker Pulls Count

This repo builds go-ipfs in a completely reproducible, and auditable way, and packages it into radically minimal Docker containers provided for various CPU architectures.


  • All git-tags (and most commits) are signed by D8CA1776EB9265491D07CE67F546ECBEA809CB18
  • All git-tags (and most commits) are opentimestamps-ed
  • All built binaries should be reproducible
  • Each build produces binaries for: amd64, arm64v8, arm32v7, and arm32v6
  • Each version is provided in two flavors:
    • nofuse (default) builds IPFS w/o fuse - only API/RPC/CLI communication is possible, but it requires zero extra config
    • fuse builds IPFS with fuse support, and allows for mounting of /ipfs/, and /ipns/
  • All architectures are aggregated under an easy-to-use Docker Manifest
  • All git-tags are build automatically, and with an auditable trace
  • Each successful build of a git tag pushes result Docker image to Docker Hub
  • Each successful build of a git tag uploads result Go binaries to Github Releases
  • Images pushed to Docker Hub are never deleted (even if lnd version gets overriden, previous one is preserved)
  • All final images are based on Alpine for minimum base size
  • All binaries are compressed with upx
  • Each git-tag build is tagged with a unique tag number


NOTE: For an always up-to-date list see: https://hub.docker.com/r/lncm/ipfs/tags

  • latest nofuse v0.4.22 v0.4 v0.4.22-nofuse v0.4-nofuse
  • fuse v0.4.22-fuse v0.4-fuse
  • v0.4.21



First pull the image from Docker Hub:

docker pull lncm/ipfs:v0.4.22

NOTE: Running above will automatically choose native architecture of your CPU.

Or, to pull a specific CPU architecture:

docker pull lncm/ipfs:v0.4.22-fuse-arm64


Then to start ipfs, execute:

docker run  -it  --rm  --detach \
    -v ~/.ipfs:/data/.ipfs \
    -p 4001:4001 \
    -p 5001:5001 \
    --name ipfs \

That will runs ipfs with:

  • all data generated by the container is stored in ~/.ipfs on your host machine,
  • all data is created as owned by used with UID 1000
  • port 4001 is reachable on the localhost for the peer-to-peer communication,
  • control port 5001 is reachable on the localhost for RPC communication,
  • created container will get named ipfs,
  • that command will run the container in the background and print the ID of the container being run.

Start (w/fuse)

Then to start ipfs, execute:

docker run  -it  --rm  \
    -v "~/.ipfs:/data/.ipfs" \
    -v "./ipfs:/ipfs/" \
    -v "./ipns:/ipns/" \
    -p 4001:4001 \
    -p 5001:5001 \
    --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
    --device /dev/fuse:/dev/fuse:mrw \
    --name ipfs \

That will runs ipfs with:

  • Extra permission granted is SYS_ADMIN, and container gains access to device /dev/fuse
  • all data generated by the container is stored in ~/.ipfs on your host machine,
  • all file-system level data is in ./ipfs/, and ./ipns/ in your current directory
  • all data is created as owned by root
  • port 4001 is reachable on the localhost for the peer-to-peer communication,
  • control port 5001 is reachable on the localhost for RPC communication,
  • created container will get named ipfs,
  • that command will run the container in the background and print the ID of the container being run.


To issue any commands to a running container, do:

docker exec -it ipfs BINARY COMMAND


docker exec -it ipfs  ipfs --help
docker exec -it ipfs  ipfs --version
docker exec -it ipfs  ipfs id
docker exec -it ipfs  ipfs swarm peers
docker exec -it ipfs  ipfs stats bw


After git-tag push, the release process is fully automated. That being said there are a few things that need to be done to prepare for the release.