Bootstrap a bitcoin lightning box for Raspberry Pi 3 based on Alpine Linux
- 1
Bootstrapping .onions into image and upon boot
#247 opened by nolim1t - 0
Consider making wpa_supplicant.conf chmod 600
#250 opened by nolim1t - 0
- 6
Remove as many files from the repo as possible
#151 opened by meeDamian - 9
- 0
Silence misc installation warnings
#114 opened by AnotherDroog - 6
Standardize "apps" interfaces
#128 opened by meeDamian - 2
Have travis-ci build image upon tag
#143 opened by meeDamian - 2
Add in IPFS
#159 opened by nolim1t - 3
Cleanup volumes in docker-compose
#155 opened by meeDamian - 3
OS Only version of pi-factory
#236 opened by nolim1t - 1
Make setup scripts compatible with MacOS
#142 opened by meeDamian - 12
Update Alpine to the latest and investigate use of postmarketOS for orchestration
#140 opened by meeDamian - 1
Standardize app namespacing.
#168 opened by meeDamian - 2
Document how to format usb device automatically
#213 opened by AnotherDroog - 1
Optimize/standardize docker-compose.yml
#166 opened by meeDamian - 1
LNDHub Support
#132 opened by nolim1t - 1
Don't allow lnd/invoicer middleware to start up unless bitcoind is fully synced up
#194 opened by nolim1t - 1
Neutrino Only Install
#232 opened by nolim1t - 2
Unit test installation shell scripts
#171 opened by AnotherDroog - 3
Fastsync "You need to rebuild"
#229 opened by AnotherDroog - 6
Update invoicer to 0.3.0
#209 opened by AnotherDroog - 1
Bundle all make_ scripts into one
#203 opened by AnotherDroog - 1
Change all references of mana to noma
#200 opened by AnotherDroog - 0
bitcoin.conf not getting generated properly
#211 opened by nolim1t - 7
zapconnect support
#148 opened by AnotherDroog - 5
- 0
Document Vagrant usage
#205 opened by AnotherDroog - 2
Get lnd 0.6 working
#207 opened by nolim1t - 2
Discussion: `apk` as deployment pipeline
#164 opened by AnotherDroog - 1
Add a safety check onto docker-compose for checking if the partitions are mounted
#134 opened by nolim1t - 5
Blockchain snapshots to speed up first sync
#126 opened by AnotherDroog - 5
Create lncm/docker-mana repo for our stuff
#169 opened by meeDamian - 5
lnd with nat enabled crashes
#109 opened by AnotherDroog - 4
Add repository wide linting
#177 opened by AnotherDroog - 0
Refactor lncm installation
#127 opened by AnotherDroog - 3
Create/use nginx container
#167 opened by meeDamian - 6
wifi isn't working again at latest master
#181 opened by nolim1t - 4
docker-compose not starting on first startup
#133 opened by nolim1t - 0
Restoring old wallet fails when pruned
#150 opened by AnotherDroog - 1
docker-compose extends
#152 opened by meeDamian - 2
Combine all `/usr/local/sbin/` scripts into `mana`
#144 opened by meeDamian - 21
Document architecture of The Box
#129 opened by meeDamian - 3
Verify all scripts work with sh
#141 opened by meeDamian - 2
USB swap is not being used
#123 opened by AnotherDroog - 1
Automate cache.tar.gz creation
#145 opened by meeDamian - 1
Add electrumX (server) container
#125 opened by AnotherDroog - 1
Set Up the Box On Site
#108 opened by AnotherDroog - 0
Add multiple alpine mirrors
#104 opened by AnotherDroog - 6
lnd filters old blocks
#105 opened by AnotherDroog