
A portable, customizable set of UI components for React.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Sprinkles UI

A portable, customizable set of UI components

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Table Of Contents

What is Sprinkles

Sprinkles is a reusable UI library created in React. These components are common to most sites and web apps. They are very extendable and theme-able.

Why Sprinkles?

At Signal, we have a large number of web apps, both internal and external each having their own UI. We wanted to create a library of reusable components that each UI could implement and benefit from a unified look, feel, and function. Our components can be scattered throughout a site or web application and themed to match your particular design. It's easy to use and very customizable.

What is this project about?

We wanted to create a foundational UI that would allow anyone to get a web app or site started quickly without needing to recreate commonly used elements like forms and validation. We invite you to read more about our mission and governance model. By using or contributing to our project, you agree to our code of conduct and license.


Install NVM

Go to https://github.com/creationix/nvm#install-script and install nvm

Install Node 5.X

$ nvm install 5.9.0

Use Node 5.x

$ nvm use 5.9.0

Clone Sprinkles UI

$ git clone git@github.com:signal/sprinkles-ui.git

Change Directory To Sprinkles UI

$ cd sprinkles-ui

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Start The UI Harness

$ npm start

Go to http://localhost:3030

Continuous Integration

All tests are run locally when you push remote. A Travis CI build will then be kicked off. Please make sure it passes, no PRs will be accepted without a passing Travis CI build.


It's recommended that you run the tests locally inside of docker locally before pushing.

Install Docker


Build The Docker Image

$ docker build -t signalco/sprinkles-ui:latest .

Run The Tests Inside The Docker Image

$ docker run -it signalco/sprinkles-ui:latest npm test

Testing Practices

Style Guide


Within CSS rules, please make sure all the selectors are in alphabetical order. There's one exception, for 'height' and 'width', place these at the end and put 'height' before 'width'.

Atom config

We suggest using Atom for its useful code style integrations that make working with our linters easy. Here are a list of suggested packages.

Additional Resources

If you have any questions, please email us at sprinkles-ui@signal.co

React Cheatsheet