🔗 A curated list of apollo-link resources.
Apollo Link is designed to be a powerful way to compose actions around data handling with GraphQL. Each link represents a subset of functionality that can be composed with other links to create complex control flows of data. -- Official docs.
- apollo-link - Interface for fetching and modifying control flow of GraphQL requests
- apollo-link-http - Get GraphQL results over a network using HTTP fetch
- apollo-link-state - Manage your application's state with Apollo!
- apollo-link-rest - Use existing REST endpoints with GraphQL
- apollo-link-persisted-queries - Persisted Query support with Apollo Link
- apollo-link-schema - Assists with mocking and server-side rendering
- apollo-link-retry - Provides exponential backoff, and jitters delays between attempts by default
- apollo-link-ws - Send GraphQL operations over a WebSocket
- apollo-link-error - Handle and inspect errors in your GraphQL network stack
- apollo-link-context - Easily set a context on your operation, which is used by other links further down the chain
- apollo-link-firebase - Provides you a simple way to use Firebase with GraphQL
- apollo-link-queue - A link to queue GraphQL requests when offline
- apollo-link-debounce - An Apollo Link that debounces requests
- Storing Local State in React with apollo-link-state
- A apollo-link-state Tutorial for Local State in React
Your contributions and suggestions are welcome anytime.