
Boilerplate for using NestJS with GraphQL (Code-First) on serverless environment (AWS Lambda)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NestJS GraphQL Serverless

Boilerplate for using NestJS with GraphQL (Code-First) on serverless environment (AWS Lambda)

Follow the discussion: nestjs/docs.nestjs.com#96


$ yarn

Running the app

# development
$ yarn start:dev

# serverless-offline
$ yarn start:sls

# deploy
$ yarn deploy:sls


Developmet Workflow

There's two entrypoints for the server.

  • src/serverless is where the handler function is exported for aws lambda
  • src/main is for local development

You can develop your app using yarn start:dev command, which will run the local nodejs server and regenerate your schema.gql file when update the resolvers.

For development with serverless-offline, you can run yarn start:sls.


When your function is deployed, you can access <lambda-url>/dev/graphql to test with the playground, make sure that your GraphQL Playground points to <lambda-url>/dev/graphql instead of <lambda-url>/graphql, otherwise you'll get 403 Forbidden response.
