
React Native app as a boilerplate.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native Full Example



  • react-native-cli
  • node v 6.11.1

How to install

git clone 
cd project
npm i

You will need to update the projects, follow the instructions of the sections Dependencies.

How to run


react-native run-ios


react-native run-android



React Navigation

Used to get the side menu and the navigation between the pages. Redux implmented.

React Native Vector Icons

IOS it needs to open the project xcode and copy the fonts library and add the reference. Android... I don´t remember.

Progress bar


Gifted Chat



For IOS:

I used this repo https://github.com/realtime-framework/RealtimeMessaging-ReactNativeIOSExample but the instructions are not so correct... so, this is what I did:

install dependency: npm install --save react-native-realtimemessaging-ios

Open xcode (project/ios/SampleNavigation.xcodeproj) In the folder Libraries select Add files to "Project" and select the dependecy installed located in node_modules/react-native-realtimemessaging-ios Then click on the project folder and go to the tab Build Phases and below Link Binary With Libraries drag/add the file libRCTRealtimeMessaging.a from 'Libraries/SampleNavigation.xcodeproj/Products/libRCTRealtimeMessaging.a'.

Then I added to services the file 'RCTRealtimeMessaging.js' from ./node_modules/react-native-realtimemessaging-ios/RCTRealtimeMessagingIOS.js

more info: https://github.com/realtime-framework/RCTRealtimeMessagingIOS

For android pending

https://github.com/realtime-framework/RealtimeMessaging-ReactNativeAndroidExample https://github.com/realtime-framework/RCTRealtimeMessagingAndroid


Based on this repo: https://github.com/spencercarli/react-navigation-auth-flow/tree/finished-code

Next steps

  • Add unit tests jest + enzyme
  • Add functional tests chai jazzmine or use nightwatch
  • Use style components