
With expo

Pre requirements

install expo client

npm install -g expo-cli

Install the app

git clone ...
cd react-native-boilerplate
npm install
expo start

Run the app

  • Install the app Expo in the phone to test.
  • Then use the QR to open the solution.

I used


  • /src source code
    • App.js Main App
    • AppNavigator.js Defines the navigation of the app
    • /apis calls to external apis
      • fetch.js generic call to external apis
    • /components all the react components
      • /base stateless components
      • /screens
      • /views
    • /config
      • constants.js all the constants used in the app
      • normalizers.js converts json to usefull data structures.
    • /redux
      • /actions
      • /containers Connects the app store data to the components
      • /reducers
      • /selectors Pure functions gets data from store
      • store.js


  • /redux
    • /logic -> Contiene la logica de la app, agrupada por areas.. por ejemplo... autenticacion, search...
      • SearchLogic.js
    • /connectors -> Conecta la logica con la vista (ui components)
      • Search.connector.js
    • /selectors -> Functiones que recuperan la informacion guardada.
      • search.js
    • store.js - set el store de la app.

SearchLogic: Js Class que contiene 2 partes:

  • actions: funciones estaticas que dispatch un action
  • reducer() funcion que actualiza el store cada vez que se ejecuta una action.

Screen definition:

  <ScreenHeader title="Search users" />
    render={props => (
        <UsersFilter {...props.filter} />
        <ListUsersView {...props.results} />