
Angular UI-Router animation directive allowing configuration of GSAP state transitions based on priority

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Angular UI-Router animation directive allowing configuration of state transitions using GSAP




$ bower install angular-gsapify-router --save


In your main app file eg. app.js:

// Setup dependencies
angular.module('myApp', ['ui-router', 'hj.gsapifyRouter'])

// Configure app
.config(function($stateProvider, gsapifyRouterProvider) {

	// Set default transitions to use if unspecified
	gsapifyRouterProvider.defaults = {

        // name of transition to use or 'none'
        enter: 'fadeDelayed',

        leave: 'fade'

	// Optionally enable transition on initial load
	gsapifyRouterProvider.initialTransitionEnabled = true; // defaults to false

	// Add a new transition
	gsapifyRouterProvider.transition('slideToFromRight', {

        // transition duration
        duration: 0.5,

        // transition delay
        delay: 0.5,

        // start/end point for transition (eg. off screen)
        css: {
            x: '100%'


	// Configure states
    $stateProvider.state('home', {
        url: '/',
        views: {
            main: {
                templateUrl: '/templates/home.html',
                controller: 'HomeCtrl as home'
            header: {
                templateUrl: '/templates/menu.html',
                controller: 'MenuCtrl as menu'
        data: {

            // define transitions per view in the data object of state using
            // `gsapifyRouter.VIEWNAME` dot notation allows inheritance/overwriting
            // of transition preferences
            'gsapifyRouter.main': {

                // when entering this state
                enter: {

                    // use this transition on the incoming view
                    in: {

                        // name of transition to use
                        transition: 'slideToFromRight',

                        // (optional) priority to determine whether to use transition
                        // of entering or leaving state (highest wins)
                        priority: 1


                    // use this transition on the outgoing view
                    out: {
                        transition: 'slideToFromLeft',
                        priority: 2


                // when leaving this state
                leave: {

                     // use this transition on the incoming view
                    in: {
                        transition: 'slideToFromLeft'

                     // use this transition on the outgoing view
                    out: 'slideToFromRight'


            'gsapifyRouter.header': {

                enter: {

                    // use a function to determine transition
                    // note: `$state.history` is populated by `gsapifyRouter` module, not `ui-router`
                    in: ['$state', function($state) {
                        return {
                            transition: $state.current.name === $state.history[$state.history.length - 2].name ? 'reverse' : 'normal',
                            priority: 1

                    out: {
                        transition: function(someService) {
                            return someService.getTransition('header');
                        priority: 2


                leave: {

                    // define a transition directly in the state config
                    in: {
                        transition: {
                            duration: 1,
                            ease: 'Quart.easeInOut',
                            css: {
                                y: '100%'





In your templates:

<!-- add 'gsapify-router' class to ui-view element -->
<div ui-view="main" class="gsapify-router" autoscroll="false"></div>