A ledger for GDKP/gold run raid.
Special Thanks to ClassicRaidTracker
I would not have been able to build RaidLedger without ClassicRaidTracker
Some codes, scrolling ui and loot message parsing, are borrowed from ClassicRaidTracker
- Open panel
- Add item to ledger
/gtuan [itemlink]
- Create a summary and report to raid channel
- Buyout charges and looter can be modified at any time
- Smart looter name autocomplete. 1 for all members in subgroup 1, hunter for all hunters in raid
- Compensation for special raid members
- Calculate gold run income for raid members
- Loot during raid will be added to ledger automatically
- Easy to export as text in order to copy/paste to a third party website.
专为为目前金团设计 团长可以记账,方便快捷 打工可以记账,童叟无欺
- 界面呼出
- 添加物品
/gutan [物品]
- 消费前5名汇总广播
- 随时修改价格,拾取人
- 智能自动完成,输入 1 会显示小队1 的成员 输入 猎人 会把 猎人 或者名字带有猎人的人都列出来
- 可以添加补助,会在总钱数中自动扣除
- 人数自动计算平均费用
- 拾取的物品会自动加到账簿 当然还可以手动添加 (物品) 右键点击物品 可以删除记录
- 可以导出文本 发到 微信群等地方
by gooyit
modified by Boshi Lian -
by ckknight
by Kaelten