
Talk aggregator for TUM CS talks.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TUM Events Go Reference

This is the source repository for the TUM Events service available at tum.events.

Public sources


TUM Events uses Valar KV to store all talk data. Talks are stored in the format of {prefix}_talks_{talkid}. The talk structure uses a minimal JSON format where a single character identifies a field. It is defined using the following Go structure.


type Talk struct {
	ID       int64     `json:"i,omitempty"`
	Rank     int64     `json:"-"`
	User     string    `json:"u"`
	Title    string    `json:"t"`
	Category string    `json:"c"`
	Date     time.Time `json:"d"`
	Link     string    `json:"l,omitempty"`
	Body     string    `json:"b,omitempty"`

Thus, the following JSON block is a valid Talk doc.

    "i": 1,
    "u": "go42tum",
    "t": "title",
    "c": "databases",
    "d": "2022-05-18T10:00:00+02:00",
    "l": "https://google.com"

Talks are synchronized if and only if the talk cache is empty OR the talk doc list changes.


type Login struct {
	Expiration time.Time `json:"e"`
	User       string    `json:"u"`
	Key        string    `json:"k"`
	Code       string    `json:"c"`
	Attempt    int       `json:"a"`


A session represents an authenticated user.

type Session struct {
	Expiration time.Time `json:"e"`
	User       string    `json:"u"`
	Key        string    `json:"k"`


type Verification struct {
	Expiration time.Time `json:"e"`
	Talk       *Talk     `json:"t"`


When developing locally, you most likely want to edit templates & run a local service instance.

# To continously render the tailwind.min.css styles, run the following command.
npx tailwindcss -i tailwind.css -m -w -o tailwind.min.css 
# In a second terminal, run & restart the web service as you see fit.
DEBUG=true go run main.go