
Rhino robot code, now using Toast and Gradle!

Primary LanguageJava


Build Status

Rhino robot code, now using Toast and Gradle!

Although the system becomes much more complex, the Toast API simplifies our code!

To set up this module in your development environment, follow these steps:

Using ToastRhino

Clone the repository If you haven't already, you can deploy Toast to your Robot by running gradlew toastDeploy.

Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Run gradlew eclipse for eclipse, or gradlew idea for IntelliJ
  2. Edit the build.gradle file to reflect your desired configuration (e.g. changing the Team Number)
  3. Open the project using File -> Open Project
  4. To build, go to the directory in a shell and run gradlew deploy If you haven't already, you can deploy Toast to your Robot by running gradlew toastDeploy.


  1. Install Gradle plugin for Netbeans (Go to Tools -> Plugins -> Available Plugins and search Gradle JavaEE. Install that plugin, restart netbeans).
  2. Install FRC Netbeans plugin (Go to Tools -> Plugins -> Settings and click Add for name, use something like FRC Plugins, and for the url, use http://first.wpi.edu/FRC/java/netbeans/update/Release/updates.xml Restart netbeans).
  3. Go to Tools -> Options -> Miscellaneous -> FRC Configuration and set Team Number to 3966.
  4. Open the repo using File -> Open Project
  5. Now you can click the large green button in Netbeans, and it runs gradlew clean build