OSCON 2016

Cool stuff to checkout

  • Golang
    • Cobra
    • Viper
    • Unikernels
  • Python
    • Pytest: Compatible with unittest. More pythonic than unittest.
    • Doctest: Documentation as tests. Add your API example to the top of your module and will run it to see if your API actually does do the things you document.
  • Tensorflow
  • Bazel
  • Swagger: API Design.
    • "If you don't use this what are you doing?!?" Angel from IBM
  • Rexray: vendor agnostic storage orchestration engine.
  • JSON Query tool: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
  • Github Torrent - Github Analytics on the public github data http://ghtorrent.org/


python -m compileall <directory>

python -m unittest discover <directory>


git log --graph --oneline


Single user, single process OS. Massive performance improvements. Modern OSes take a 30-40% performance hit on context switching and isolation of process address spaces.

Cross-compile existing applications into a lightweight VM.

Pull only the stuff you need into a single executable. Stops vulnerabilities due to a huge stack that comes with the existing OS infrastructure (OpenSSL, etc).

Single address space single process.

Unikernels are NOT new.