
Incorporating some fzf concepts with plenary jobs and telescope

Primary LanguageLua


Incorporating fzf into telescope using plenary's job writer functionality.


fzf and rg to both be installed.

More can be added later.



  • require('telescope').extensions.fzf_writer.grep()
  • similar to live_grep, but more async-ish


  • require('telescope').extensions.fzf_writer.staged_grep()
  • similar to live_grep, but more async-ish and bonus feature.
  • uses rg to filter exact match before | and afterwards uses fzf to fuzzy find over results.
  • If you wish to configure this, it has configuration for:
    • fzf_separator: default "|", the character to split between rg mode and fzf mode.


  • require('telescope').extensions.fzf_writer.files()
  • similar to find_files, but more async-ish


require('telescope').setup {
    extensions = {
        fzf_writer = {
            minimum_grep_characters = 2,
            minimum_files_characters = 2,

            -- Disabled by default.
            -- Will probably slow down some aspects of the sorter, but can make color highlights.
            -- I will work on this more later.
            use_highlighter = true,


Could probably still make this more async by doing a better job with some of the matching strategy / filtering and maybe not using rg for files. Idk, it was just a thought so I made this.