
This is a gradle plugin for easy update of text strings managed on Loco.

Primary LanguageGroovyMIT LicenseMIT


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This is a gradle plugin for easy update of text strings managed on Loco (localize.biz).


In oder to use the plugin follow those steps:

1.Add the following code to you build.gradle file in the root folder.

buildscript {
  repositories {

  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.appswithlove.loco:loco:0.0.1'

2.Apply the plugin in app/build.gradle.

apply plugin: 'com.appswithlove.loco'

3.Configure the Loco instance in app/build.gradle:

Loco {
    apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
    lang = ['de', 'fr'] //add as many languages as you want, they need to exist on Localize.biz
    defLang = 'de' //one language that will result as the default language and be put in values/strings.xml
    resDir = "$projectDir/src/main/res"



After installing the plugin, you should be able to find the Gradle Loco tasks in Android Studio.

"Gradle Project" Window -> Tasks -> Other -> updateLoco

Otherwise, you can call the gradle tasks via command:

./gradlew updateLoco

⚠️ Keep in mind

Executing updateLoco will override all existing values.xmlfiles of the givenlanguages. Any type of app specific text strings should be placed into a separate string file, such as constants.xml`.


The plugin allows to have parameters in text strings. Every parameter in the form $ANYTEXT$, $Any Text$ (start and end with $) will be translated to %s when updating the Loco strings.


In order to debug the plugin, clean -> jar -> publishJarPublicationToMavenLocal and connect your android App to the mavenLocal-version of the android plugin by adding the following snipped to your root-folder build.gradle

buildscript {
	repositories {
	    classpath 'com.appswithlove.loco:loco:0.0.1'

After that, call the following script in the terminal of your android app (replace FLAVOUR)

./gradlew updateLoco -Dorg.gradle.debug=true --no-daemon

Lastly, open the Loco Plugin in Android Studio, add an Remote build configuration with Attach to remote JVM and run the configuration on debug. Now the gradlew call you triggered before will start running and will hit the break points in the plugin. :)

Don't forget to republish the plugin-jar when doing changes.