Random Menu Generator


Create a random menu generator that can be played from the Terminal.

Your code should use three arrays, each containing a different type of word, phrase, ingredient, or descriptor you would associate with food. Your generator should pull one item from each array to create a "menu item".

For example, you could have a list of adjectives, cooking styles and foods in order to create something like:

  • hot pan-fried dumplings
  • soft steamed clams

Each array should contain ten items. When the program runs, it should create and show a list of ten different numbered menu items.

1. hot pan-fried dumplings
2. soft steamed clams
3. ...
10. creamy taco cake


Expand your solution to use any number of menu items that you provided. So if you expand your arrays to contain 15 or 20 items, your program will show a list of 15 or 20 items.


Expand your solution to ensure that no descriptive term in a menu item is ever repeated. Expand your solution to allow the user to determine how many items they'd like to see via user input.


Instead of using hardcoded or predefined arrays, make your program accept user input. Then generate menu items from the user provided input. You'll need to prompt for and store a varying number of entries for each array.