- 0
no-setup-in-describe triggers on new before/beforeEach/after/afterEach.timeout
#364 opened by perrin4869 - 5
Cannot install with ESLint 4
#355 opened by MikeMcC399 - 1
`no-empty-description` does not detected when in the same line happens also the `no-exclusive-tests`
#363 opened by sokraglav13 - 10
- 2
Latest Version 10.4.2. is throwing TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getScope')
#353 opened by Gynormous - 5
- 1
- 4
Breaking change accidentally release in 10.4.0
#351 opened by newhouse - 0
ESLint 9 / Flat config
#341 opened by brettz9 - 1
- 2
- 0
- 2
- 1
Issue within ESM module
#332 opened by brettz9 - 1
10.0.4 caused "[DEP0148] DeprecationWarning: Use of deprecated folder mapping..." warning
#323 opened by jhildenbiddle - 7
- 1
False positive when test is not a mocha global
#327 opened by perrin4869 - 2
v10.0.4 crashes on node 17
#324 opened by mantoni - 1
Upgrade to ramda 0.28.0
#319 opened by opravil-jan - 2
ESLint peer dependency causing issues
#321 opened by fab1o - 0
Consitent rule naming
#314 opened by lo1tuma - 1
node 12 should still be supported
#318 opened by runspired - 6
- 3
[fixed in v10.0.1] new rule `no-empty-description` definition not found in v10.0.0 ?
#311 opened by mikehardy - 4
Support ESLint 8.x
#298 opened by MichaelDeBoey - 2
Remove no-hooks-for-single-case from recommended
#252 opened by edg2s - 1
Rule proposal: no-empty-description
#302 opened by pustovitDmytro - 0
- 1
No-identical-title rule
#297 opened by PavelSamal - 1
false positive with non mocha hook
#296 opened by fgarcia - 4
- 0
- 1
- 1
[documentation] add overrides into docs
#267 opened by dlqqq - 8
Performance regression in 8.0.0
#268 opened by papandreou - 0
Mocha-aware prefer-arrow-functions
#275 opened by rhansen - 0
Error with import.meta.url
#265 opened by frogamic - 0
isMochaFunctionCall doesn't account for situation where mocha members are being imported from mocha
#264 opened by mwgamble - 4
no-mocha-arrows autofix with parsers
#243 opened by Hyzual - 2
Remove no-skipped-tests from recommended
#250 opened by edg2s - 1
no-skipped-tests should not be autofixable
#242 opened by robinclaes - 4
`no-setup-in-describe` triggers on `describe.skip`
#249 opened by edg2s - 0
- 1
- 2
`max-top-level-suites` not warning for test files with multiple describe blocks
#254 opened by 0xCLARITY - 2
rules not applying (can't seem to get it to work)
#244 opened by jasonrberk - 3
valid-suite-description/valid-test-description don't accept RegEx objects anymore
#240 opened by shusak - 2
Unexpected function call in describe block.
#241 opened by Abadii - 2
False positive in `mocha/max-top-level-suites`
#224 opened by zachlysobey - 4
[no-hooks] breaking change introduced in `6.2.2`.
#225 opened by BBosman