Here Be Dragons 🐉
This is an experiment of generating GraphQL clients in Golang. It's heavily inspired by gqlgen.
- Structure config and generated clients in a future proof way to enable redesign of codegen
- Single client generated for entire schema
- ProtoClient interface to support multiple protocols and custom clients
- Use static types in client interface to check api compability during build time
- Use GraphQL comments in Golang type and function definitions
- Enable field selection in client to partially fetch objects
- Reuse gqlgen custom scalars
- Mostly designed to use GraphQL as standard RPC
- Weak support for deep graph fetching (can't have multiple fields with same object type)
- Only supports scalars and objects
- Only supports hard-coded basic scalars (bool, float, id, string, int)
func Example() { // create client, supports custom protocols through ProtoClient interface c := client.New(graphqlclientgen.NewHttpClient("http://localhost:8080/query")) todo, err := c.CreateTodo(context.TODO(), // static typed inputs client.NewTodo{ Text: "bar", UserId: "5", }, // explicit requested fields, easy to use with auto-complete client.TodoFields{ client.TodoFieldID, client.TodoFieldText, // supports requesting specific fields of related objects client.UserFields{ client.UserFieldID, client.UserFieldName, }, }) }