
:sparkles: :star: :dizzy: Emotion Tracker with Arduino CircuitPlayground

Primary LanguageArduinoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Emotion Watch

Uses a Circuit Playground board's built-in LEDs to diplay mood according to Galvanic Skin Response, Heartrate and Acceleration values.

The ChangeLog provides you with information about important changes.

The DevEnvironment explains setup of device during development.

based on Mediation Trainer by Collin Cunningham and
based on Pulse Sensor Amped 1.4 by Joel Murphy and Yury Gitman http://www.pulsesensor.com and
based on Arduino and Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Sensor by hypnotistas
based on Using Bitmaps to Animate NeoPixels on Circuit Playground https://learn.adafruit.com/circuit-playground-neoanim-using-bitmaps-to-animate-neopixels
based on Using notes for a melody on CircuitPlayground https://learn.adafruit.com/circuit-playground-music/the-sound-of-music

Mood Control:

Neopixel LEDs 0 and 9 on the Circuit Playground are used to indicate the current mood. Based on HFR, GSR and Accelleration values. Neopixel LEDs 1 to 8 are used to suggest interactions according to the currently detected emotion. The left PushButton (#4) is used to calculate a personal baseline. Start and Stop of calculation are indicated by a custom signal. Sensor values can be plotted during Development on the Serial Plotter if you set a flag to true.


  • LED 0 and 9 indicate Emotion
  • LED 1 to 8 indicate Interaction
  • GsrSignal is a sliding average value over 10 seconds.
  • Motion has to be present for a duration of at least 5 seconds in order to be detected.
  • HFR value is correction factor for calculated EmotionLevel from GSR and Acceleration.
  • Red LED indicates that HFR Signal was not found.
  • Switch turns sound on and off ( mute when switch is on - side (right))
  • LeftButton (#4) starts baseline calculation. Start and Stop indicated by custom signal. Any PushButton stops Calculation.
  • Baseline is saved in EEPROM

Hardware requirements:

Build Info

Sketch uses 21252 bytes (74%) of program storage space. Maximum is 28672 bytes.
Global variables use 1037 bytes of dynamic memory.

What it should look like
