
Gemeni Rag Builder Engine

Primary LanguagePython

Ragbuilder 😠😡😤

Ragbuilder is a Python package fueled by the fire of frustration and the desire to conquer complexity. It helps you navigate the tumultuous seas of information overload with ease and unleashes your inner warrior against the tyranny of dull content.


To harness the raw power of Ragbuilder, simply wield pip:

pip install Ragbuilder

Usage 🛡️⚔️

from RagBuilder.ragebuilder import LangchainGemeni

# Unleash the fury of Ragbuilder
model = LangchainGemeni(GOOGLE_GEMENI_API, temperature=0.3)

# Convert your enemies... er, PDF pages into vectors

# Summon your trusty Question-Answering guardian
qa_client = model.BuildQA(return_source_documents=True)

# Strike fear into the heart of ignorance with your inquiries
qa_model = qa_client({
    'query': "Tell me about attention in deep learning?"


Requirements 🧰

  • google-generativeai
  • langchain-google-genai
  • chromadb
  • pypdf

License 📜

Ragbuilder is a battle-tested warrior and is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Acknowledgments 🙌

Ragbuilder stands on the shoulders of giants, fueled by the fury of frustration and the passion for knowledge. It is a tribute to the warriors who dare to challenge the status quo and seek enlightenment amidst chaos.