Steps to create an app


  • Receive prompt and details
  • Create db schema
  • Create supabase project
  • Create vercel project
  • Copy (fork?) repo
  • Replace supabase (public) key in repo env var
  • Connect vercel to pushes in repo
  • Create development and production branches
  • Update github secrets to contain supabase db url
  • Github action to migrate on commit (development and production)


  • Clone newly created repo in selected location
  • Load data
    • DB schema
    • Views
    • Functions *
  • Track changes
  • Allow to push

How to make things easy

(all local for now)

  • ChatGPT

  • same

  • easy, use api

  • easy, use api

  • public repos

  • fs node

  • public repos

  • github api

  • github api

  • fs node

  • electron and fs node

  • javascript

  • fs ?

  • github api or git node