

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT




$ kcpraw_client_darwin_amd64 -l -r vps:80 --key secret --mode fast3 --mtu 1200 --ds 0 --ps 0 --nocomp --host www.zhihu.com   
# kcpraw_server_linux_amd64 -l vps:80 -t :10086 --key secret --mtu 1200 --mode fast2 --ds 0 --ps 0 --nocomp


  • turn udp traffic to tcp traffic
  • http obfuscating
  • tls obfuscating
  • easy to install & build & use
  • provide socks5/socks4/socks4a/http & shadowsocks server at kcpraw/server
  • support socks5 udp-associate
  • provide additional tcp/udp tunnels
  • aggregate multiple underlying connections to one kcp connection


It is highly recommended to use kcpraw releases.

Note for Windows Users
kcpraw is dependent on winpcap.You should download and install it from winpcap first.

Note for Linux Users
kcpraw uses raw-socket to receive and send tcp packets. root permission is required.

Note for Macos Users
kcpraw requires read permission for /dev/bpfx. so don't run kcpraw as nobody.


Alternatively, you can manually compiled it from source:
1.Download and install Go from https://golang.org/dl/ if you don't have go yet.
2.Run go get or build.sh

$ go get -u -v github.com/ccsexyz/kcpraw/client
$ go get -u -v github.com/ccsexyz/kcpraw/server  

# or 
$ go get github.com/ccsexyz/kcpraw  
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/ccsexyz/kcpraw  
$ ./build.sh  

Note for Windows Users

If you're trying to compile 64-bit kcpraw(or google/gopacket) on 64-bit Windows, you might have to do the crazy hijinks detailed at compile gopacket on windows


$ ./client -h
   kcpraw - client(with SMUX)

   client [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


     help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --localaddr value, -l value      local listen address (default: ":12948")
   --remoteaddr value, -r value     kcp server address (default: "vps:29900")
   --key value                      pre-shared secret between client and server (default: "it's a secrect") [$KCPTUN_KEY]
   --crypt value                    aes, aes-128, aes-192, chacha20, salsa20, blowfish, twofish, cast5, 3des, tea, xtea, xor, sm4, none (default: "aes")
   --mode value                     profiles: fast3, fast2, fast, normal, manual (default: "fast")
   --conn value                     set num of UDP connections to server (default: 1)
   --autoexpire value               set auto expiration time(in seconds) for a single UDP connection, 0 to disable (default: 0)
   --mtu value                      set maximum transmission unit for UDP packets (default: 1350)
   --sndwnd value                   set send window size(num of packets) (default: 128)
   --rcvwnd value                   set receive window size(num of packets) (default: 512)
   --datashard value, --ds value    set reed-solomon erasure coding - datashard (default: 10)
   --parityshard value, --ps value  set reed-solomon erasure coding - parityshard (default: 3)
   --dscp value                     set dscp(6bit) (default: 0)
   --nocomp                         disable compression
   --snmplog value                  collect snmp to file, aware of timeformat in golang, like: ./snmp-20060102.log
   --snmpperiod value               snmp collect period, in seconds (default: 60)
   --log value                      specify a log file to output, default goes to stderr
   -c value                         config from json file, which will override the command from shell
   --host value                     hostname for obfuscating (Experimental)
   --nohttp                         don't send http request after tcp 3-way handshake
   --scavengettl value              set how long an expired connection can live(in sec), -1 to disable (default: 600)
   --mulconn value                  use multiple underlying conns for one kcp connection, default is 0 (default: 0)
   --udp                            enable udp mode
   --pprof value                    set the listen address for pprof
   --nodummy                        don't use dummy socket
   --proxylist value                set the path of proxy list
   --chnroute value                 set the path of china route
   --proxy                          enable default proxy(socks4/socks4a/socks5/http)
   --udprelay                       enable socks5 udp relay
   --tunnels value                  provide additional tcp/udp tunnels, eg: udp,:10000,;tcp,:10080,www.google.com:80
   --help, -h                       show help
   --version, -v                    print the version

$ ./server -h
   kcpraw - server(with SMUX)

   server [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


     help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --listen value, -l value         kcp server listen address (default: ":29900")
   --target value, -t value         target server address (default: "")
   --key value                      pre-shared secret between client and server (default: "it's a secrect") [$KCPTUN_KEY]
   --crypt value                    aes, aes-128, aes-192, chacha20, salsa20, blowfish, twofish, cast5, 3des, tea, xtea, xor, sm4, none (default: "aes")
   --mode value                     profiles: fast3, fast2, fast, normal, manual (default: "fast")
   --mtu value                      set maximum transmission unit for UDP packets (default: 1350)
   --sndwnd value                   set send window size(num of packets) (default: 1024)
   --rcvwnd value                   set receive window size(num of packets) (default: 1024)
   --datashard value, --ds value    set reed-solomon erasure coding - datashard (default: 10)
   --parityshard value, --ps value  set reed-solomon erasure coding - parityshard (default: 3)
   --dscp value                     set dscp(6bit) (default: 0)
   --nocomp                         disable compression
   --usemul                         use multiple underlying conns for one kcp connection
   --snmplog value                  collect snmp to file, aware of timeformat in golang, like: ./snmp-20060102.log
   --snmpperiod value               snmp collect period, in seconds (default: 60)
   --log value                      specify a log file to output, default goes to stderr
   -c value                         config from json file, which will override the command from shell
   --udp                            enable udp mode
   --pprof value                    set the listen address for pprof
   --proxy                          enable default proxy(socks4/socks4a/socks5/http)
   --ssproxy                        enable shadowsocks proxy
   --ssmethod value                 set the method of shadowsocks proxy (default: "multi")
   --sskey value                    set the password of shadowsocks proxy
   --help, -h                       show help
   --version, -v                    print the version

Report Bugs

You're very welcom to report issues on GitHub:



  • xtaci
  • ccsexyz