- 3
Autoscend aborting out on Normal Palindome because it's out of pulls for Wet Stew
#1487 opened by VuvuzelaVirtuoso - 1
- 1
Trouble with just one protonic ghost in wereprof.
#1504 opened by sdkempf - 1
Apparent error in completing the Trapper Quest
#1191 opened by bwbolinger - 0
- 4
G-Lover Issues
#1419 opened by noone3 - 1
Heavy Rains: crash while preparing for final boss fight
#1470 opened by txster - 0
Dire Warren Waste
#1464 opened by Anixs - 2
Failed to rest to charge cincho
#1452 opened by linzinha - 1
Star key lime pie
#1459 opened by asafaq - 0
Add check for Drunken Stupor
#1399 opened by ianknowles - 0
- 3
Candy cane sword cane breaking Mysterious Island Quest
#1409 opened by omdv - 3
- 0
- 0
- 0
Autoscend trying to use Spring Away in a combat where Spring Shoes are not actually equipped
#1429 opened by ziz - 0
[SMOL] Autoscend does not enter bedtime correctly
#1423 opened by polynoman - 2
Snow Suit Support
#1254 opened by polynoman - 0
2023 IotM improvements
#1389 opened by Malibu-Stacey - 1
[A Shrunken Adventurer Am I] path should use -ml instead of +ml. with few exceptions
#1353 opened by taltamir - 1
- 1
combat structure blocks special combat actions
#1161 opened by quarklikeadork - 1
[A Shrunken Adventurer Am I] path should use astral pilsner for nightcap and before breaking prism
#1352 opened by taltamir - 1
Autoscend does not automatically detect that one has 2002 Mr Store tokens - especially in legacy of loathing runs
#1336 opened by starlancergh - 0
autoscend fails combat against physically-resistant mobs when playing as a Snake Oiler
#1342 opened by cpenny86 - 1
[A Shrunken Adventurer Am I] path gets [steel margarita] despite being too small to drink it
#1350 opened by taltamir - 0
README file mis-states requirements
#1334 opened by dhouck - 3
Consumables pulled but not consumed
#1258 opened by Malibu-Stacey - 3
Nightcap broken
#1294 opened by taltamir - 1
- 1
simulated equipment could be incorrect
#1266 opened by quarklikeadork - 1
- 1
Use The Jurassic Parka's NC forcing ability
#1243 opened by poshpotato - 0
autumn-aton handling breaks at Twin Peak if you hit the non-combat on your first adventure
#1257 opened by Malibu-Stacey - 1
Make Ed hydrate (Holy Spring Water MP Restorative)
#1246 opened by poshpotato - 0
Stage4 should not forbid multiple sniffs
#1135 opened by quarklikeadork - 2
autumnaton g-lover path
#1226 opened by exceliorxtreme - 0
- 0
low_key_summer path file gets exit
#1210 opened by quarklikeadork - 0
better familiar choice
#1200 opened by quarklikeadork - 1
Bad Location Value with KOL Mafia 26634
#1188 opened by BossksBoss - 3
don't get hippy disguise for L12 quest if you already have the frat war gear
#1101 opened by Theophrastus-on-git - 1
providers with !doEquips option still count current equipment modifiers
#1156 opened by quarklikeadork - 0
override to area where olfaction is currently used before olfacting elsewhere
#1115 opened by quarklikeadork - 0
historical prices can be 0
#1125 opened by quarklikeadork - 3
KOLHS looping after high school
#1117 opened by magus-prime - 3
Boo Clues should use ProvideResistance functions
#1103 opened by Alium58 - 2
Include Lucky Lindy as nightcap in HC
#1105 opened by Theophrastus-on-git - 0
prevent unfree fights from cursed magnifying glass in Actually Ed run
#1095 opened by Theophrastus-on-git