
A simple search engine, made as a project for the course Algorithms and Data structures (ID1020). Search for a word in the Brown Corpus, and it will list the documents that the searched term occurs in. It also supports some basic operations and orderings - see Query Syntax for more on the query language.

Full specifications for this project can be found at https://github.com/lobax/TinySearch/blob/master/id1020-proj2.pdf

##Query syntax The languange supports three basic operations:

  • Union (|)
  • Intersection (+)
  • Difference (-)

The operations and the search terms need to be typed in prefix notation.

For example: If you wish to search for all documents that contain the both the words delicious and vegetable, you should type "+ delicious vegetable". If you wish find all documents that countain the word delicious, but not bacon, you typ "- delicious bacon". You can combine these two, and search for all documents that contain both the words delicious and vegetable, but not the word bacon, by typing "- + delicious vegetable bacon"

The resulting list of documents can be ordered in various ways, by appending "orderby property direction" to the end of the query. These are the supported orderings:

Property Direction
relevance asc
popularity desc

Real world example: "friendship orderby popularity desc"


How do I run it?

An executable jar file can be found under target.