Pinned issues
- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#50 opened by renovate - 3
[Bug] ChatMessage的error没有指定类型,期待类型能完善
#221 opened by zhuba-Ahhh - 3
- 3
[Request] this is no description of List, ListItemProps which were used in lobe chat
#132 opened by 1huangx - 3
[Question] mdx下有14个组件,文档里只有一个
#197 opened by git-Renpingjun - 5
[Bug] CodeEditor渲染有问题 会出现重影
#200 opened by qychen2001 - 2
- 4
[Bug] Element type is invalid
#220 opened by moltea - 1
[Question] Nextjs v14 环境 包含 Markdown 组件的所有组件报错
#217 opened by maxlasting - 2
[Request] 内网环境无法使用组件
#199 opened by Lnncoco - 2
[Bug] 组件库文档打包失败
#189 opened by git-Renpingjun - 1
#169 opened by shzzzzz - 2
[Bug] Highlighter 组件有 XSS 漏洞
#176 opened by Carrotzpc - 2
[Request] : markdown不支持添加脚注
#150 opened by yi-boide - 1
[Bug] 文档中CodeSandbox无法使用
#156 opened by sonnyding1 - 3
[Question] 太喜欢这些icon了,不知道哪里才可以下载到这完整的包
#154 opened by onlinedear - 2
- 3
[Question] 移动端无法显示 tooltip
#142 opened by sxjeru - 1
[RFC] Lobe UI 2.0
#137 opened by canisminor1990 - 1
[Request] ChatItem/EditableMessage里的markdown增加图表展示
#131 opened by GUOYUHAN - 1
[Question] 怎么在shadow dom中使用?
#135 opened by bearguo - 4
- 3
[Question] difference between [pro-chat](
#130 opened by millievn - 2
Lobe UI FOUC (flash of unstyled content)
#103 opened by Zain-ul-din - 4
[Bug] firefox context menu position issue
#91 opened by m1911star - 3
[Request] 期望 Avatar 组件支持传入 ReactNode,以进行自定义
#101 opened by zggmd - 3
[Bug] CheckBox 在深色模式显示异常
#84 opened by mushan0x0 - 3
[Bug] 官方首页例子中 Button 重复引入
#89 opened by Carrotzpc - 6
[Bug] 在输入带换行的长文本时chatitem返回内容不换行
#81 opened by w840980261 - 17
- 2
- 2
[Bug] Highlighter theme is not working
#57 opened by kaichii - 8
[Request] Use Non-Chinese CDN
#39 opened by jangrewe - 1
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markdown 中 的 pre code 样式
#42 opened by arvinxx - 0
CodeEditor 高亮暂时移除
#43 opened by arvinxx - 1
[chat]对话气泡 hover 快捷条过长, 不超过3个功能,功能按角色进行区分
#35 opened by arvinxx - 1
#27 opened by houzhuangcode