
Chat App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

For this app you ll need :

install Node.js (package manager -npm) :
go to: nodejs.org

After getting Node install Ionic:
npm install ionic -g

Install Cordova:
npm install cordova -g

then go inside app folder:
C:/FirstIonic/> ionic platform add android ( or npm platform add ios)
C:/FirstIonic/> ionic build android   ( ionic build ios)
C:/FirstIonic/> ionic emulate android
that adds cordova android and does a local android build then emulates the app in mobile env.

that will also  install the plugins

and statusbar etc

To run app on browser (quicker)

you go inside the folder (FirstIonic folder)

C:/FirstIonic/>ionic serve

(that doesnt work for me all the time, i run straight from webstorm) but it looks like crap cant get it to look like a
mobile app without the ionic stuff)