
Dockerfile to build bioinformatics set of tools


Docker container with tools for bioinfortmatics

Author: Boris Belyaev belbor1@gmail.com


In dockerfile you find container based on ubuntu 18.04, which includes speсial bioinformatic programs: samtools, biobambam2 and also requaired libraries and tools (htslib, libdeflate, libmaus2).


You must have Docker to build and run image.


To build image on your host you should call:

docker build https://github.com/localghost32/bioinformatics_tools.git#master 

Dockerfile will be downloaded from master branch of repository:


You can choose tag for image during building. It will create convenience:

docker build https://github.com/localghost32/bioinformatics_tools.git#master -t <your_tag>

For more information see:

docker build --help

To run container use:

docker run -it <container_id or your_tag>