- 6
Use prev-next.twig for publications prev-next
#564 opened by markconroy - 0
Set subsite menu colors to dark with light text
#550 opened by willguv - 0
Use prev-next.twig for step-by-step prev-next
#565 opened by markconroy - 1
Focus effect on a Labelled Icon.
#555 opened by msayoung - 0
Text styles add colours, which convey meaning not available to non-visual or colour blind users.
#563 opened by msayoung - 2
Add alert icon, like exclamation mark in black circle, to call out and alert styles
#531 opened by ElizabethPace - 1
`localgov_blogs` navigation template
#545 opened by AWearring - 0
- 3
core/drupal should be a global dependency
#557 opened by ctorgalson - 11
'Add to calendar' for Events
#532 opened by willguv - 1
Status Pages won't display overridden content
#535 opened by dedavidson - 0
Default styling for Inline tables
#547 opened by msayoung - 0
Lint CSS
#552 opened by markconroy - 0
- 3
Accessibility - Skip content or navigation
#478 opened by Revanuru - 1
Add new region for subsites extras module menu
#526 opened by markconroy - 0
Add X logo (formerly Twitter)
#539 opened by markconroy - 2
Add a grid system for views
#536 opened by markconroy - 0
- 6
Change text to mailto
#496 opened by bisd - 0
Set links to :focus-visible instead of :focus
#525 opened by markconroy - 5
Services header drop down menu not closing
#517 opened by davidupjohn - 0
Make the tabs region sticky when logged in
#518 opened by markconroy - 15
- 1
Click anywhere on the page to close the Services menu
#494 opened by willguv - 0
- 4
Move the template for the localgov_numbered_text paragraph from publications to localgov_base.
#520 opened by rupertj - 1
- 1
Set page section colours via scoped variables
#515 opened by markconroy - 1
Update Github workflow to test Drupal 10
#489 opened by finnlewis - 0
fields.css in wrong location
#509 opened by AWearring - 1
Disabled blocks get rendered unnecessarily
#497 opened by rupertj - 1
Bullit points visible with pager items on multiple pages in Windows High Contrast Mode
#501 opened by bisd - 0
localgov_base directly access #value property of lede in localgov-page-header-block.html.twig
#491 opened by ctorgalson - 6
Display options for unpublished pages
#495 opened by willguv - 0
- 1
PHPStan issues
#482 opened by millnut - 1
- 3
Pink background unpublished/draft pages
#464 opened by ElizabethPace - 10
Accessibility - Focus border around radio buttons does not meet contrast requirement
#474 opened by Revanuru - 1
- 6
Responsive design issue with media and text section
#468 opened by Boosmith - 1
On creating a new blog channel, the posts are aligned to the left rather than in the middle
#456 opened by keelanfh - 7
- 0
Enhance the focus states on form inputs
#459 opened by keelanfh - 0
If primary nav/search is empty OR secondary nav is empty, header toggles fail
#452 opened by markconroy - 0
- 0
Make guide navigation skip link visible when focused
#448 opened by keelanfh - 0
Link paragraph - doesn't print the url field.
#437 opened by msayoung - 1
Add a customisable heading to services lists
#435 opened by msayoung