

  • This is the Silicon Maze 2023 Git Task. It is a frontend application made using ReactJS and TailwindCSS
  • This application contains various individual features that together make it functional
  • To complete the task you will require basic knowledge about how Git and Github works

Setup Process

  • Fork the Repo ensuring that your fork is private
  • Clone your fork
  • Enter into the SiliconMaze2023-GitTask folder by running cd SiliconMaze2023-GitTask
  • Run npm install to install all the dependencies


  • The goal is to get all the changes made across four branches featureA, featureB,featureC and featureD into branch featureB
  • Some branchs have new dependencies intoduced in them. These will have to be installed using npm install after checking out to such branches
  • The Branch Graph shown below depicts how the branches were created and is crucial in understanding what steps to take in order to complete the task
  • Also attached below is the video showing how the application should finally look like

How to submit?

  • Add Collaborator1, Collaborator2 and collaborator3 as the collaborators
  • Record a video demonstrating the working application and what steps were taken to make it functional. Upload it to Google Drive and attach it in the Readme File under the heading Submission Output
  • Fill up the google form with the relevant details (Repo link, Team Name etc.)

Branch Graph


Final Expected Output

Google Drive Link