Dart package that creates a binding between your translations from .arb files and your Flutter app
- 4
Add line separator attribute (CRLF)
#118 opened by Nikzed - 1
Flutter 3.24.0 breaks intl_utils:generate
#131 opened by YukiAttano - 1
- 1
- 1
Feature Request: Support for Accessing Translations via Key in intl_utils
#129 opened by TheWalkingDead2 - 2
when i add new word in .arb it dosen't work
#130 opened by AliSabbar - 1
Flutter v3.24 release
#127 opened by MrLightful - 0
Add support for relative paths
#126 opened by Wackymax - 2
Incompatible Flutter 3.22.2
#125 opened by danielgomezrico - 1
Parser fails to parse dart keywords
#123 opened by TarekTolba1 - 1
Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml"
#105 opened by Jay-57blocks - 4
Failed to build intl_utils:generate
#116 opened by bahadirarslan - 0
Allow opting out of delegate generation
#122 opened by denist11 - 4
Incompatible with Flutter 3.16.0
#120 opened by navaronbracke - 3
Analyzer 6.x support
#117 opened by zs-dima - 1
[Feature Request] const support
#112 opened by danielgomezrico - 5
- 2
[BUG] 'decimalDigits' is ignored when format double value with format 'decimalPercentPattern'
#119 opened by suesitran - 3
Support `decimalPatternDigits`
#111 opened by momrak - 1
Inconsistency in languageName causing Traditional Chinese (TW) to fail switching correctly.
#101 opened by EanLee - 1
- 0
- 1
- 5
[BUG] Locale data has not been initialized
#109 opened by LuuPNH - 0
[Feature request]: When some keys are missing in some languages, it is possible to set a fallback language
#108 opened by fogfire - 1
How to use Escaping syntax
#102 opened by jack24254029 - 4
Dart SDK 3.0.0 version solving error
#103 opened by deakjahn - 2
Update intl dependency to 0.18.0
#96 opened by slavap - 1
Is there a specific reason why only web is not shown as supported in pub dev platforms?
#99 opened by aytunch - 0
If the arb directory does not exist in project, intl_utils:localizely_download fails on FileSystemException
#97 opened by lpickford-pixelbeard - 0
- 5
L10n.load should return synchronous future, otherwise black frame is shown
#90 opened by orestesgaolin - 3
Failed to build intl_utils:generate
#93 opened by sebcoda - 4
Update dependencies, especially analyzer
#91 opened by inf0rmatix - 1
Feature request: Possibility to add ignore coverage comments to generated files
#94 opened by fideldonson - 2
Generate missing type for parameter
#92 opened by manhpv-1697 - 1
Support nested translations
#89 opened by Solano-Furlan - 0
Provide an option to verify translation key integrity in translation files
#88 opened by navaronbracke - 2
- 15
Upgrade analyzer > 4.0
#81 opened by xiaocode337317439 - 2
Support of ICU number placeholder "#"
#82 opened by Eric-Guan-Z - 6
Generated code not typed anymore
#80 opened by boldt - 2
- 1
Select doesn't support numbers
#77 opened by tomgilder - 2
- 3
intl_utils and dart backend software
#71 opened by acorn371 - 1
Failed to reactivate intl_utils 2.6.1: Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml"
#78 opened by giacomomasseron - 2
- 2
Analyzer 3.x support
#73 opened by proninyaroslav - 3
format of api token in credential file
#74 opened by Miamoto-Musashi