
Try removing the declaration of '_locale'.dart(unused_element)

OverLoadedBurden opened this issue · 4 comments

while this is just a hint but i think it won't cost much time developing converting this:

/// `en`
  String get _locale {
    return Intl.message(
      name: '_locale',
      desc: '',
      args: [],


/// `en`
  /// ignore: unused_element
  String get _locale {
    return Intl.message(
      name: '_locale',
      desc: '',
      args: [],

instead of manually modifying it every time we generate the files.

Hi @OverLoadedBurden
I am not sure get it, can you give more info?
This looks like your own string key getter, generated from ARB file, not some base l10n code.

Hi @OverLoadedBurden
I am not sure get it, can you give more info?
This looks like your own string key getter, generated from ARB file, not some base l10n code.

if i run flutter pub run intl_utils:generate without "_locale":"my_locale_name" i get this warning

INFO: No @@locale or _locale field found in intl_my_locale_name, assuming 'my_locale_name' based on the file name.

but because the required field name starting with _ the dart lang will consider it a private variable.

So we as the dev's can't use it and the flutter analyze tool going to throw a warning because of it. So i suggest adding the

  /// ignore: unused_element

hint before the _locale field to prevent this warning from showing up.

If you name your ARB files as intl_en.arb (recommended) it will automatically conclude the locale from the file name and you can ignore the warning in such a case.
If you don't follow that naming convention, you should add the following key-value pair into ARB files:

"@@locale": "en"

However, if you use Flutter Intl plugin for Android Studio or VS Code and create ARB files through its commands, it will create file names as expected.

didn't know that @@locale is the same as _locale thanks.