
The official LocalStack Desktop Application

LocalStack Desktop

The LocalStack Desktop 💻 application provides an easy way to manage your LocalStack instance. Effortlessly start and stop LocalStack, view logs, interact with the container and use our resource browser directly in the UI.

LocalStack empowers developers to use over 75+ AWS services locally while helping them simplify their testing and development workflow. LocalStack supports a comprehensive list of APIs, which you can view on our Feature coverage page.


You can install LocalStack Desktop by downloading the latest executables for your platform from the web application or from the Microsoft Store


Currently our desktop application support the following features

  • Control LocalStack: Start, stop and create containers from the UI Containers
  • Interact with LocaLstack: Interact with the LocalSack container via terminal Terminal
  • LocalStack insights: Check the log information of your LocalStack instance Logs
  • Resource browser: Use the LocalStack Resource Browser to view, manage, and deploy AWS resources similar to the AWS Management Console Resource Browser