
14th International Modelica Conference, Linköping, Sweden

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| |The 14th International Modelica Conference will be a hybrid remote and physical event, held at the concert and conference hall in Linköping, September 20–22, 2021. It is organized by Linköping University, in cooperation with the Modelica Association.
Join us in Linköping in person or from the comfort of your own home.|

About the Conference

The Modelica Conference is the main event for users, library developers, tool vendors and language designers to share their knowledge and learn about the latest scientific and industrial progress related to Modelica, FMI, SSP, and DCP. The program will cover modeling of complex physical and cyber-physical systems, as well as tools, for a wide range of research and industrial applications.

In addition to paper presentations and poster sessions, the conference features several Modelica tutorials for beginners and advanced users, as well as industrial user presentations, vendor sessions, and an exhibition. The previous Modelica conference in 2019 in Regensburg, Germany, was attended by more than 400 participants from all over the world, and we would like to welcome even more participants to this conference.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Linköping.

Conference Venue

The conference will take place Concert and Conference Hall in Linköping near the center of the town, only a 15 minutes to walk from the historical centre.

Venue Address

Konsert & Kongress
Konsistoriegatan 7
Linköping 582 22

Scope of the Conference

Modelica is a freely available, equation-based, object-oriented language for convenient and efficient modeling of complex, multi-domain cyber-physical systems described by ordinary differential, difference and algebraic equations. The Modelica language and the companion Modelica Standard Library have been utilized in demanding industrial applications, including full vehicle dynamics, power systems, robotics, hardware-in-the-loop simulations and embedded control systems. The Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) is an open standard for the tool-independent exchange of models and for co-simulation. It is supported by many Modelica and non-Modelica tools and is the key to utilizing Modelica models in non-Modelica environments.

Development in the Modelica Association is organized in Modelica Association Projects:

  • LANG - Modelica Language
  • LIB - Modelica Libraries
  • FMI - Functional Mockup Interface
  • SSP - System Structure and Parameterization of Components for Virtual System Design
  • DCP - Distributed Co-Simulation Protocol

The projects collaborate to design and maintain a set of coordinated standards for modeling and simulation of complex physical systems.

The Modelica conference will bring together people using Modelica and/or other Modelica Association standards modeling, simulation, and control applications, Modelica language designers, tool vendors and library developers. The Modelica Conference provides Modelica users the opportunity to stay informed about the latest language, library, and tool developments, and to get in touch with people working on similar modeling problems. The conference will cover topics such as the following:

  • Multi-engineering modeling and simulation with free and commercial Modelica libraries (mechanics, electrical, hydraulics, thermal, fluid, media, chemical, building, automotive, aircraft, ...)
  • Automotive applications
  • Thermodynamic and energy systems applications
  • Mechatronics and robotics applications
  • Medicine and biology applications
  • Other industrial applications, such as electric drives, power systems, aerospace, etc.
  • Large-scale system modeling
  • Real-time and hardware-in-the-loop simulation
  • Simulation and code generation for embedded control systems
  • Simulation acceleration by use of many CPU cores or GPU cores
  • Applications of Modelica for optimization and optimal control
  • Modelica modeling, simulation and design tools
  • Symbolic algorithms and numerical methods for model transformation and simulation
  • Discrete modeling techniques − FEM, CFD, DEM (Discrete Element Method), ...
  • New features of the Modelica language and of FMI
  • Experimental language designs and implementations related to Modelica
  • Modelica in other application areas (mathematical programming, databases etc.)
  • Modelica for teaching and education
  • FMI in Modelica and non-Modelica applications and tools

Call for Papers (December 1st – April 26)

Papers can be submitted for full presentation or for poster presentation. In addition, new free Modelica libraries can be introduced to the public. The Modelica Free Library Award will be given to the best and second best free libraries submitted for review. Modelica Association members (excluding selection committee members) can apply for this award too.

You are encouraged to submit a full paper of 4-10 pages. Please see the Call-for-Papers page for further information about the submission and/or application process and the submission templates. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by the Conference Program Committee (3 reviews per paper).

The conference proceedings will be published electronically. After the conference, the proceedings will be available online. Authors keep the copyright for their papers and just provide non-exclusive publication rights to the Modelica Association.

Call for Industrial User Presentations

On Monday it is planned to have Industrial User Presentations related to existing and possibly new Modelica Association projects. You are encouraged to submit an extended abstract of 1-2 pages for a presentation-only contribution. Please see the Call-for-Papers page for further information about the submission and/or application process. The abstracts will be peer-reviewed by experts, but no papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Please note that purely tool-related presentations are not permitted for these application-oriented presentations, they should be covered by vendor sessions.

Call for Tutorials, Vendor Sessions, Exhibitors & Sponsors

During the first day of the Conference, tutorials and vendor sessions will be held.

For more information, please check the Other Calls page.

A commercial exhibition will also be arranged in conjunction to the conference. The commercial exhibition will be integrated with the session halls, poster exhibition and the catering services and will thus be an excellent exhibition window towards the delegates. The exhibition will be open during conference hours.

For the virtual participants, videos from exhibitors will be displayed in the virtual rooms during conference breaks and sponsor logos will be displayed before presentation videos.

We are sure you will be interested in gaining visibility to the Modelica community, not only by an exhibition booth or sponsorship alone. Therefore we have prepared 4 different Exhibitor & Sponsor packages.

For more information, please check the Other Calls page.

Important Dates

December 1, 2020 Call for Papers
April 26, 2021 Submission of Full Papers and libraries
May 24, 2021 Notification of Acceptance of Full Papers
June 15, 2021 Early registration deadline Submission of extend abstracts for Industrial User Presentations
August 1, 2021 Submission of final version of Full Papers and libraries Applications for Tutorials, Vendor Sessions and Exhibitors
September 5, 2021 Late registration deadline
September 20, 2021 Tutorials, Industrial User Presentations and Vendor Sessions
September 21-22, 2021 Scientific Program of 14th International Modelica Conference

We'll keep the registration open at EasyChair until Wednesday September 5, 2021, but you'll have to pay by credit card.

Additionally, we'll offer late registration directly at the conference desk (payment cash or credit card) starting on September 20, 2021 at 12:00.


Registration Valid incl.Dinner Early Late
Standard Mon-Wed yes Euro 625 Euro 775
Student Mon-Wed no Euro 400 Euro 500
Industrial User Presentations Only Monday no Euro 200 Euro 250
Additional Dinner Ticket Dinner -- Euro 90 Euro 90
Virtual attendance Mon-Wed no Euro 50 Euro 70
Virtual attendance reduced rate (students and PhD) Mon-Wed no Euro 25 Euro 35

Please note:

  • Standard and student tickets are valid for all 3 days.
  • Industrial User Presentations tickets a valid only for Monday, no access to the rest of the conference.
  • Choosing student, you have to prove your student or PhD student status at the registration desk; Dinner ticket is not included, you may buy an additional Dinner Ticket during the registration process.

Registration is handled by the EasyChair Conference Management System. You have to login to your account at EasyChair, and choose "Registration".

Late registration at the Conference Desk (payment cash or credit card) is possible!

Conference Timeline

Monday, September 20, 2021

13:00 Tutorials, Industrial User Presentations and Vendor Sessions

19:30 Welcome Reception

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

9:00 - 19:00 Conference and Exhibition

20:00 Conference Dinner

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

8:30 - 16:00 Conference and Exhibition

Organization and Contact

The conference is organized by Linköping University in cooperation with the Modelica Association.

For general questions, please send an email to: modelica2021@groups.liu.se

Local Organization:

  • main contact: Lena Buffoni, Linköping University
  • Martin Sjölund, Linköping University
  • Adrian Pop, Linköping University
  • Lennart Ochel, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB