locize cli to import / export locales, add / edit / remove, sync segments
- 2
Deprecated dependencies
#100 opened by dolie - 4
Locize-cli timeouts on sync
#86 opened by vcarnogu - 6
Output keys and values removed with locize sync
#98 opened by staaky - 1
- 3
- 4
Unexpected token '??=' with Node 14
#95 opened by Endikaorve - 3
- 2
doesn't read variables from .locize?
#93 opened by jonathan-chin - 2
2 high severity vulnerabilities in xlsx
#92 opened by dan-b-hu - 3
- 4
Sync command doesn't do what documentation says
#90 opened by megaturbo - 1
- 4
Support overwriting
#87 opened by thaindq - 1
High severity vulnerabilities on npm install
#85 opened by valleywood - 1
- 1
- 2
vulnerabilities on npm install
#81 opened by jacklrs - 4
- 1
- 2
Not downloading all translations
#78 opened by tabrez96 - 5
Locize sync results in FetchError
#74 opened by datainvestor - 15
bug(install): binary install not working
#77 opened by chrillep - 2
- 1
- 2
Locize sync alters my `.json` files
#70 opened by Carduelis - 2
Locize cli doesn't read `.env` file
#69 opened by Carduelis - 1
Mapping between CLI params and config options
#73 opened by ravecat - 1
version contains strange undeletable namespaces
#72 opened by ravecat - 7
- 8
- 7
build cli for alpine
#67 opened by chrillep - 1
- 0
Game Over 🎀
#65 opened by paulie63 - 6
locize sync: Existing keys not updating
#64 opened by agentsim - 5
Delete namespaces when using sync
#63 opened by VinceVachon - 2
locize-cli installation fails on arm64
#62 opened by bensLine - 3
Error running latest locize (v7.7.0) Linux binary
#61 opened by JaakkoA - 2
Error when run copy-version command
#60 opened by mhs-mlkn - 2
- 7
- 1
CVE on XLSX dependency
#56 opened by arturopie - 1
Download translation files
#55 opened by abdelfattah0atef - 2
- 6
`locize remove` is too slow
#53 opened by Boscop - 4
- 4
Add command to rename a key
#50 opened by Boscop - 2
Add command to change a key's value
#51 opened by Boscop - 2
- 2
- 2
Error while adding api-key and project-id
#46 opened by thecraftman