
powershell for SMB login spraying

Primary LanguagePowerShellOtherNOASSERTION




"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 34) – No Dennis Kuntz Open Source License: lockfale@gmail.com didn't write this file. As long as you email funny stories to us, you can do whatever you want with this stuff. Unless you are Dennis Kuntz. Under no circumstances shall Dennis Kuntz be granted use of this software, source code, documentation or other related material. Persons dealing in the Software agree not to knowingly distribute these materials or any derivative works to Dennis Kuntz. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

wat is dis:

  • powershell for SMB login spraying


  • mod location of host addresses/domain names in script
  • mod username/password in script
  • firin mah lazers. == PS c:>.\smblogin.ps1

to do:

  • threading.
  • lists of users and passwords