Random Projection based Locality Sensitive Hashing
We provide here the codes for Kmeans Quantization + Random Projection based Locality Sensive Hashing (RPLSH). The LSH algorithm is formally described in [1] and the matlab version can be found at here
RPLSH is extremely simple but rather effective. All the previous hashing papers failed to correctly measure the performance of hashing algorithms and the powerfulness of RPLSH was certainly underestimated. Please see our paper A Revisit of Hashing Algorithms for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search for details.
Benchmark data set
The performance was tested without parallelism.
ANN search results
How To Complie
Go to the root directory of RPLSH and make.
How To Use
Index building
cd RPLSH/samples/ ./index data_file index_file nCluster nIter tableNum
Meaning of the parameters:
nCluster -- parameter for kmeans, how many partitions will be generated nIter -- iteration number for kmeans tableNum -- the actual code length will be tableNum*32 bits
Search with the builded index
cd RPLSH/samples/ ./search index_file data_file query_file result_file nGroup initsz querNN
Meaning of the parameters:
nGroup -- the number of nearest groups will be considered. initsz -- the number of points closest to query in the hamming space will be examined. querNN -- required number of returned neighbors
Output and Input format
Same as that of EFANNA
Parameters to get the index in above Fig.
RPLSH/samples/index sift_base.fvecs sift.index 1000 100 32
RPLSH/samples/index gist_base.fvecs gist.index 1000 100 32
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 5 100 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 5 200 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 8 300 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 10 400 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 15 500 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 20 700 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 25 900 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 30 1000 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 40 2000 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 50 2000 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 70 3000 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 100 3000 100
RPLSH/samples/search sift.index sift_base.fvecs sift_query.fvecs result 100 7000 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 5 300 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 8 400 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 10 600 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 15 800 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 25 2000 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 30 3000 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 40 4000 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 50 5000 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 70 7000 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 100 10000 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 150 20000 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 200 30000 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 250 40000 100
RPLSH/samples/search gist.index gist_base.fvecs gist_query.fvecs result 300 80000 100
[1]: Moses S. Charikar: Similarity estimation techniques from rounding algorithms. Proceedings of the thiry-fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 2002.