just a simple javascript implimentation of tictactoe
using this as a stepping stone to understand the basics and use them in a larger "super tictactoe" game
still learning pretty much everything so I'm going line by line with comments to make sure i explain it all to myself in the script.js file. Friggin noob stuff i know, but who cares, i need to understand this shhhiiittuufffff!
final thoughts after going line by line Holy crap tbh I had no idea how much interconnectivity there was between all three of these files. And the difference between the board array, and the displayed cells was interesting. The interplay between the [row,col] and index numbers has me very curious about using this as a way to control which of the superttt games can be played next. Definitely wanna try play around with this for stepping this whole thing up into a Super tic-tac-toe game.
notes for stepping up to supertictactoe Create another row of numbers in the array of this smaller tictactoe game that can be referenced for unlocking the next region of play in the super tictactoe game. Might need top make use two extra numbers, one for super row, and another for super column positioning? But I wanna try just number the boards 0-8 first and see if I can get away with just that