
Primary LanguageClojure


FIXME: description


Style guides

Git commit messages http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html
SQL http://sqlstyle.guide Upper case is not dictated, lower case may be used
Clojure https://github.com/bbatsov/clojure-style-guide


When you first clone this repository, run:

lein setup

This will create files for local configuration, and prep your system for the project.


To begin developing, start with a REPL.

lein repl

Then load the development environment.

user=> (dev)

Run go to initiate and start the system.

dev=> (go)

By default this creates a web server at http://localhost:3000.

When you make changes to your source files, use reset to reload any modified files and reset the server. Changes to CSS or ClojureScript files will be hot-loaded into the browser.

dev=> (reset)
:reloading (...)

If you want to access a ClojureScript REPL, make sure that the site is loaded in a browser and run:

dev=> (cljs-repl)
Waiting for browser connection... Connected.
To quit, type: :cljs/quit


Testing is fastest through the REPL, as you avoid environment startup time.

dev=> (test)

But you can also run tests through Leiningen.

lein test


Migrations are handled by ragtime. Migration files are stored in the resources/migrations directory, and are applied in alphanumeric order.

To update the database to the latest migration, open the REPL and run:

dev=> (migrate)
Applying 20150815144312-create-users
Applying 20150815145033-create-posts

To rollback the last migration, run:

dev=> (rollback)
Rolling back 20150815145033-create-posts

Note that the system needs to be setup with (init) or (go) before migrations can be applied.


This project has several generator functions to help you create files.

To create a new endpoint:

dev=> (gen/endpoint "bar")
Creating file src/foo/endpoint/bar.clj
Creating file test/foo/endpoint/bar_test.clj
Creating directory resources/foo/endpoint/bar

To create a new component:

dev=> (gen/component "baz")
Creating file src/foo/component/baz.clj
Creating file test/foo/component/baz_test.clj

To create a new boundary:

dev=> (gen/boundary "quz" foo.component.baz.Baz)
Creating file src/foo/boundary/quz.clj
Creating file test/foo/boundary/quz_test.clj

To create a new SQL migration:

dev=> (gen/sql-migration "create-users")
Creating file resources/foo/migrations/20160519143643-create-users.up.sql
Creating file resources/foo/migrations/20160519143643-create-users.down.sql


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