
A proxy for the opendata.tweedekamer.nl API

Primary LanguageGo

Open Data Tweede Kamer Proxy

To use the Tweede Kamer Open Data API, you need to whitelist your IP on Open Data Portaal. Only the white listed IP is able to access the API. This proxy helps developers to access the API rom anywhere through their whitelisted IP.


  1. Add a settings.json to the same directory as your executable with the following settings:
    "http_timeout": 30,
    "http_port": "80",
    "username": "email",
    "password": "password"
  1. Compile for your specific platform. Linux AMD64 and OSX are included in the makefile.
make osx
make linux64
  1. Run the executable


Dependencies are installed using Glide.

glide init
make install or glide up


make tests


Open Data Tweedekamer API documentation