
Package the chrome extension automatically

Primary LanguageShell


This tool is to package chrome extension automatically, with below extra features:

  • Exclude files or directories with the same pattern gramma like grep -E.
  • Search manifest.json for update infomation, and generates the updates.xml automatically.

Package function is provided by crxmake.sh.


Script help:

$ sh buildcrx.sh
Usage: buildcrx.sh [OPTIONS]

  -d     specify the extension directory, required
  -p     specify the pem file, optional
  -o     specify the output directory, optional
  -n     specify the build extension name, optional
  -e     specify the exclude pattern like grep, optional
  -h     show this help message


$ sh buildcrx.sh -d copybetter -p copybetter.pem -o copybetter/update -e 'update|\.git'