
bun-monorepo + Elysia.js + Next.js + React Native Expo + Drizzle ORM

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Bun monorepo

This a demo of a monorepo using bun workspace.

What's inside?

This monorepo includes the following packages/apps:

Apps and Packages

  • backend: Elysia.js app
  • web: Next.js app
  • mobile: React Native Expo + expo-router
  • backend-api: a shared end-to-end type safety package.


This monorepo has some additional tools already setup for you:

Getting Started

To install and start developing all apps, run the following command:

# upgrade bun version
bun upgrade

bun i
bun dev

For more information, see the package.json file.

DB migration:

bun gen
bun migrate
bun seed

Others scripts

# type check all packages
bun typecheck

# format all packages
bun format

# lint all packages
bun lint