
A repository to store the G--- made for TABZMGM


A place to see and access weapons, items and projectiles created using the TABZMGM json system.

Adding your creation to the repository

Fork the repo, add your creations to the ones in the folders, push the changes and open a PR. The easiest way is to upload a folder with the files inside github.com, just press Add file -> Upload Files, drag the folder and create a commit with them. Remember that anyone will be able to use any of the files (meshes, textures, audio, ...), so be sure that they are yours or that you have permission to distribute them.

Creating your own thing

A real tutorial and tables with all the necessary data is still WIP. So you can try to edit the ones that come with the mod and find out how they work by yourself. If you want more precision with the cube colliders I suggest you to open the Unity Editor (the game works in 5.x, but any version should work fine) and figure out what configuration of them you want to then pass the values into the json file.