
A vhdl experiment of creating a processor that uses the brainf*ck language as its opcodes

Primary LanguageVHDL

Brainf*ck Processor

This is project with the goal of implementing a brainf*ck interpreter in hardware, creating a processor that uses brainf*ck as its architecture.

This first version separates the memory of the program from the memory that hold the instructions, and implements a branching logic, that although simple, creates a slow runtime when the program uses too many loops.

Micro Architecture

The processor is separated in 4 main datapaths. bf_datapath

Memory Datapath

Handles the +->< instructions. memory_datapath

Intruction Datapath

Stores and decodes the instructions. It has pins (PC and Instruction) that are to be used to add external "EEPROMS" on testbenches. If the Instruction returned by the memory element isn't one of these ascii characters +-><[]., the processor will have a undefined behaviour. instruction_datapath

Jumping Datapath

Handles the []instructions. jumping_datapath

IO Datapath

Handles the ., instructions. io_datapath

Tools Used

This project was developed with Quartus Prime Lite (2020) (from this nix package) and uses VHDL as its main HDL language. The testbenches were coded for usage in the ModelSim that comes with Quartus.


These are statistics from compiling the top entity bf_datapath on Quartus for a MAX 10 device.

Type Number
Logic Elements 2736
Registers 2120
Pins 52

Execution times of different bf programs from ModelSim simulation.

.bf file Name in Testbench Execution Time (ns)
Adding two values test01.bf 1346
Ola Mundo! test02.bf 13850